Revitalizing Physical Education and Recreation through the Journal of Dance

Kind Reader, welcome to the world of journal of physical education, recreation, and dance. The journal brings together scholarship and practical expertise from various disciplines encompassing physical education, health, recreation, dance, sport, and leisure. With a goal of advancing knowledge, inspiring research, and promoting good practices in the fields of physical activity, the journal is a vital resource for educators, researchers, and practitioners seeking to stay informed about the latest developments, techniques, and problems related to physical education, recreation, and dance.
About Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to advance the knowledge of physical education for teachers, researchers, and practitioners. The journal covers various topics including sport, fitness, dance, recreation, and health. It is published by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), a professional organization that promotes healthy lifestyles through physical education.
History of JOPERD
JOPERD was first published in 1930 under the name Journal of Health and Physical Education. It became Journal of Physical Education in 1952, and then Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance in 1983. The change of name reflected the expansion of the journal’s coverage to include dance and recreation. It has been considered as one of the pioneer publications in the field of physical education and has contributed to the development of the discipline.
Scope and Focus of JOPERD
JOPERD aims to provide a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience in physical education, recreation, dance, and related fields. The journal accepts original research articles, reviews, and practical articles that provide insights into teaching, learning, and best practices in physical education. The focus of JOPERD is to present research that is practical, empirical, and applicable to real-world situations. The journal covers various topics including:
- Sport and exercise psychology
- Adapted physical education
- Measurement and evaluation
- Aquatics
- Sport management
- Nutrition
- Recreation and leisure
Impact Factor of JOPERD
According to the Journal Citation Reports, JOPERD has an impact factor of 1.187 as of 2020. It is ranked 71st out of 90 journals in the category of sports sciences and 82nd out of 114 journals in the category of education and educational research.
Publication Process of JOPERD

The publication process of JOPERD involves several steps, from manuscript submission to final publication. The journal follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality of the published articles. Authors need to follow the submission guidelines provided by the journal to ensure that their manuscript meets the criteria for publication.
Submission and Peer-review Process
Authors need to submit their manuscripts online through the journal’s website. The manuscripts are then reviewed by the editor-in-chief and assigned to at least two reviewers with expertise in the subject area. The review process is double-blind, meaning that the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. The reviewers provide feedback and suggestions to improve the manuscript, and the editor-in-chief makes the final decision on acceptance or rejection.
Publication Ethics
JOPERD adheres to the ethical guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal expects authors to follow ethical practices in research and publication, such as avoiding plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data. Authors also need to obtain ethical clearance for their research involving human subjects and animals. JOPERD also expects reviewers and editors to follow ethical practices and maintain confidentiality.
Open Access and Archiving
JOPERD offers open-access options for authors who want their articles to be available to readers without any subscription or paywall. The journal also archives the articles in digital repositories for long-term preservation and accessibility.
Benefits of Publishing in Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is a globally recognized journal in the field of physical education and dance. It provides authors with numerous benefits for publishing their research work in the journal. This section provides an overview of the advantages of publishing in the journal.
Global Outreach
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is an international journal that has a vast readership of researchers, practitioners, and educators, from different parts of the world. Publishing a research paper in the journal gives authors the opportunity to reach out to a global audience and showcase their work on an international platform.
High Impact Factor
The impact factor of a journal is a measure of its quality and prominence in the academic community. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance has a high impact factor of 1.846, which indicates its position as a leading journal in the field of physical education and dance. Publishing in such a high-impact journal can enhance the author’s reputation in the academic community and add significant value to their work.
Peer Review Process
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance follows a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that the research articles published in the journal are of high quality and meet the required standards of scientific research. By publishing in the journal, authors can benefit from receiving feedback from expert reviewers in the field and can improve the quality of their work.
Indexing and Abstracting Services
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is indexed and abstracted in numerous databases, including EBSCO, SCOPUS, and ERIC. This indexing increases the visibility of the research paper, making it easier to access and discover by researchers and scholars worldwide.
Open Access Options
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance provides open access options for authors who want their research work to be immediately available to a global audience without any restrictions. The ‘Online First’ option allows authors to publish their work online before the print version is released, making their work available faster and more widely accessible.
Publication Ethics
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance follows strict publication ethics guidelines, ensuring that the research work published in the journal is of high ethical standards. Publishing in the journal indicates that the research work complies with ethical standards and is the original work of the author.
Author Support
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance provides author support services to help authors in the publication process, including formatting guidelines, publication ethics, and manuscript preparation. This support allows authors to focus on their research work while ensuring they are following the right publication guidelines.
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1 | Name of Journal |
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3 | Publisher |
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5 | Frequency of Publication |
6 | Open Access |
7 | Indexed In |
8 | Submission Guidelines |
9 | Contact Information |
The History of Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) began in 1926, which published quarterly, and is an outlet for manuscripts dealing with physical education at every level of education.
The Early Years
In the early years, JOPERD published articles on teaching dance, games and sports, and featured books reviews, school and legislation law updates, and facts on athletics. It was seen as an essential source of information on the topics for physical education.
The Later Years
JOPERD continued to expand in its later years. It began to include articles related to kinesiology, exercise physiology, and adapted physical education. The journal also began including research summary reports, legal and legislative updates, and new products to inform readers of the latest knowledge on the topics. As a result, JOPERD became a valuable tool for professionals in the field, providing a wealth of information on a broad range of topics.
Benefits of Publishing in the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) is a prominent journal in the field of physical education. Publishing in JOPERD provides several benefits for authors, including:
Increased Visibility and Credibility
Publishing in JOPERD can increase the visibility and credibility of an author’s work. The journal has a large readership and is respected in the field of physical education. Articles published in JOPERD are widely cited by scholars and practitioners, which can help authors establish themselves as experts in their field.
Opportunity for Collaboration
Another benefit of publishing in JOPERD is the opportunity for collaboration. Authors who publish in the journal can connect with other scholars and practitioners in their field. This can lead to new research collaborations, professional networking opportunities, and other benefits.
Tips for Publishing in the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

Publishing in the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some tips for authors who wish to publish in the journal:
Choose a Relevant Topic
Authors should choose a topic that is relevant to the field of physical education and that has not been extensively covered in JOPERD or other academic journals. This can help ensure that their article is of interest to JOPERD readers and stands out in the academic literature.
Follow Submission Guidelines Carefully
Authors should carefully follow the submission guidelines provided by JOPERD. This includes formatting requirements, citation style, and other details. Failure to follow the guidelines can result in articles being rejected without review.
Engage with the Review Process
Authors should be prepared to engage with the review process, which may involve multiple rounds of revisions and resubmissions. They should carefully consider reviewer feedback and make changes to their article as necessary. Engaging with the review process can help ensure that their article is of the highest quality possible.
Impact of Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance has a significant impact on the fields of physical education, recreation and dance. The research published in this journal has been instrumental in shaping the way these fields operate. Here are some of the ways in which the journal has influenced these areas:
Physical Education
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance has been crucial in developing new teaching methods and approaches to physical education. The research published in this journal has been used by teachers and educators around the world to improve their teaching methods and enhance the physical development of their students. The journal has also been influential in shaping policy related to physical education, both at the local and national level.
Recreation and Dance
Research published in the journal has been impactful in developing new activities and approaches to recreation and dance. The journal has also played a significant role in advancing practices and ideas in these fields. Professionals in these industries often use the research published in the journal to improve the programs they offer, develop new activities, and create new policies.
Benefits of Publishing in Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

Academic publications have become highly competitive in recent times. It is, therefore, imperative that you publish your research in reputable journals to have it accepted into the academic community. Publishing in the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance can have tremendous benefits for researchers. This section will discuss some of these benefits.
Credibility and Visibility
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is published by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. This publication is widely recognized as an authority in the field of physical education, recreation, and dance. As such, publishing in this journal can significantly increase your research’s credibility, enhancing its visibility to the academic community.
Impact Factor and Citations
Impact Factor is a metric that determines a journal’s worth by calculating the number of times its articles have been cited in the last two years. The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance has a respectable Impact Factor, which implies that the research it publishes has significant influence in the field. A higher number of citations can increase the reach and impact of your research, and publishing in reputable journals such as this can significantly improve your citation count.
According to different research articles on page 1 of Google on 10 websites regarding the benefits of publishing in journals, it is stated that publishing in high-quality journals can demonstrate the academic excellence of authors, which can have a massive impact on their academic careers. Consequently, many universities and organizations worldwide, including the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, place significant emphasis on this metric when evaluating the work of authors.
Moreover, research shows that publishing in reputable journals can enhance professional relationships within the academic community, leading to collaborations and opportunities.
Benefits of Publishing in Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance

Publishing articles in the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance carries several benefits. Some of these benefits include:
Increased Visibility and Exposure
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is a widely-read publication, it has a broad readership, and published articles can quickly gain attention and recognition. In this regard, the journal serves as an excellent forum for researchers to communicate with other scholars and professionals in their fields.
Impact Factor
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance has a high impact factor. This metric is ranked by the number of times a research paper is cited. Research papers that are published in high-impact journals generally receive more attention and researchers can use it as a potential metric for a researcher’s future funding possibilities.
Peer Review Process
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process. A team of leading experts in the field reviews each submitted manuscript and provides a detailed evaluation before acceptance for publication. The peer-review process ensures that articles published the journal are of high-quality, original, and significant to the field of study.
Presenting findings in a high-quality, credible journal like Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is highly advantageous to both the researcher and the research. It can enhance the credibility of the researcher and their institution. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance ensures a universal acceptance of, and recognition for, the findings published in its journals.
Networking Opportunities
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance is an excellent forum for networking as it’s subscribed by professionals worldwide. By publishing high-quality articles, researchers can establish valuable connections with other scholars and broaden their scientific network. Moreover, the publication of research in Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance provides an excellent opportunity for academics and professionals to engage in dialogue and exchange ideas cutting across a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests.
Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance FAQ
1. What is the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance?
The Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes research articles, case studies, and other content related to physical education, recreation, and dance.
2. Who is the publisher of JOPERD?
JOPERD is published by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).
3. How often is JOPERD published?
JOPERD is published six times per year.
4. Is JOPERD available in print or digital format?
JOPERD is available in both print and digital format.
5. What types of content are published in JOPERD?
JOPERD publishes research articles, case studies, literature reviews, and essays related to physical education, recreation, and dance.
6. Is JOPERD a peer-reviewed journal?
Yes, JOPERD is a peer-reviewed journal.
7. Who can submit articles to JOPERD?
Anyone can submit articles to JOPERD, but all content must go through a peer-review process before publication.
8. What is the acceptance rate for articles submitted to JOPERD?
The acceptance rate for articles submitted to JOPERD varies from year to year, but it is typically quite competitive.
9. How long does the peer-review process take?
The peer-review process for JOPERD typically takes several weeks to several months.
10. Can I submit my article to other publications while it is under review by JOPERD?
No, JOPERD does not accept articles that are under review by other publications.
11. How does JOPERD ensure the quality of its published content?
JOPERD employs a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality of its published content.
12. Is JOPERD indexed in any databases?
Yes, JOPERD is indexed in several databases, including the Physical Education Index and ERIC.
13. How much does it cost to subscribe to JOPERD?
The cost of a subscription to JOPERD varies depending on whether you choose a print or digital subscription, and whether you are a member of the AAHPERD.
14. How can I subscribe to JOPERD?
You can subscribe to JOPERD online through the AAHPERD website.
15. Can I access JOPERD articles online if I am not a subscriber?
No, access to JOPERD articles is restricted to subscribers only.
16. Does JOPERD offer any open-access articles?
Yes, JOPERD occasionally publishes open-access articles.
17. How can I find out about new articles published in JOPERD?
You can sign up for email alerts through the AAHPERD website to receive notifications about new articles published in JOPERD.
18. Can I advertise my product or service in JOPERD?
Yes, JOPERD accepts advertising. Contact the AAHPERD for more information.
19. How can I become a reviewer for JOPERD?
You can express your interest in becoming a reviewer by contacting the JOPERD editorial office.
20. How can I contact JOPERD if I have questions or concerns?
You can contact the JOPERD editorial office through the AAHPERD website.
21. What is the impact factor of JOPERD?
JOPERD currently does not have an impact factor assigned to it, but its articles are cited in many other academic publications.
22. Can I request a sample issue of JOPERD?
Yes, you can request a sample issue of JOPERD through the AAHPERD website.
23. How can I access back issues of JOPERD?
Back issues of JOPERD are available through the AAHPERD website.
24. Are there any special issues or themes for JOPERD?
Yes, JOPERD occasionally publishes special issues or themes related to specific topics within physical education, recreation, or dance.
25. What is the editorial process for JOPERD?
All submitted articles go through a thorough peer-review process before a decision is made on whether to accept or reject them for publication.
If you’re interested to know more about physical education and dance, check out the Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance for insightful articles and research findings.
Join us again, Kind Reader
We hope you enjoyed your time exploring the world of physical education, recreation, and dance with us. We believe that staying active and engaged in these areas will bring great benefits both to our bodies and minds. Thank you for joining us on this journey – we look forward to seeing you again soon! Keep moving, keep learning, and keep dancing!